Trusted workers’ comp physical therapy in Walker, MI

Workers Comp Physical Therapy

When you’ve injured yourself at work, you may not think you can find trusted workers’ comp physical therapy in Walker, Michigan. However, there’s a physical therapy team in the area that can provide you with the high-quality services you’re looking for.

Our Advent Physical Therapy team has spent the past 23 years providing the residents of Walker, Michigan with superior physical therapy. One thing that we’ve worked hard to gain during that time is the trust of the people in our community, and we’ve worked to establish this trust in several ways. First of all, our team genuinely cares about the welfare of our patients. This care can be seen in the way we’re always willing to listen to your therapy concerns and answer any questions you have. Secondly, we always treat you as an individual who’s experiencing an injury in a unique way. This means that we won’t try to force you into some one-size-fits-all therapy plan. Instead, we’ll create a personalized therapy plan that’s designed to target your specific issues. Both of these factors are reasons we’ve been able to establish one of the most trusted workers comp physical therapy locations in Walker, Michigan.

Three steps you’ll need to take to get our trusted workers’ comp physical therapy in Walker, MI

Our Walker, Michigan team is aware that you may not know the steps you’ll need to take to get our trusted workers’ comp physical therapy. However, we can tell you that there are three steps you’ll definitely need to take before you come in to see us.

First, you’ll need to report your injury to your supervisor as soon as you can after it happens. Our team is aware that most businesses have procedures in place to help their workers deal with workplace injuries. However, there’s no way you can get help from this process if you don’t report your injury. We can also tell you that it’s important to report your injury immediately since waiting may cause your injury to get worse.

The second step we know you’ll need to take is to go see a doctor. We recommend that you consult your employer and your insurance company to find a doctor that they both work with. During your doctor’s appointment, our team also encourages you to get a written recommendation for physical therapy and other treatments from the doctor. This way you’ll be able to easily show your employer and your insurance company the steps you’ll need to take to treat your injury.

The third step our team knows you’ll need to take before you come see us is to get approval from your insurance company. This is likely to be much easier if you have the written recommendation from your doctor. Once you receive approval to come see us, you may also want to make sure you give us the most up-to-date contact information for your insurance company. Our team can then keep them updated on your progress if necessary.

By taking these three vital steps, you’ll be much more likely to get in to see our Advent Physical Therapy team quickly. It may even help reduce your overall stress level, which may have a positive effect on your therapy with us.

Have you taken all three preliminary steps to get our trusted workers’ comp physical therapy? If you have, then you only have one step left to take to begin your therapy. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.