Five sports injuries you should seek physical therapy for

Overview of Sports Injuries

Athletes of all types love to perform at their best. Whether you’re a football player trying to bring home the state title or a runner who wants to improve your time, your ability to do what you love is important to you. But an injury can keep you from participating in your favorite activities and pushing your limits.

Athletes of all sports and all levels are at risk for injury. Many of these injuries require professional treatment for a full and quick recovery. Ignoring the pain or trying to play through it may result in more pain and could lead to permanent disability. If you’re an athlete who has been hurt, do not hesitate to reach out to a physical therapist for help. There are five sports injuries in particular that a physical therapist can help you recover from.

Physical therapists can help you recover from these five common types of sports injuries

Since there are many types of sports and many types of athletes, there are many types of sports-related injuries. Many athletes take measures to prevent injuries, such as training and warming up. But they can still happen in spite of preventive measures.

Five injuries that physical therapists often see in athletes include: 

  1. Sprained ankles — Your ankles are made up of many tough ligaments that connect your leg bones to your feet. If your foot rolls or twists in an awkward way, the ankle ligaments can stretch or tear, which results in pain and loss of mobility.
  1. Pulled hamstrings — Your hamstring is the group of muscles that make up the back of your thigh. A pulled hamstring is an injury in which these muscles are strained from overuse. Athletes who participate in sports that require a lot of running are at higher risk for a pulled hamstring.
  1. Patellofemoral syndrome — Your kneecap, known medically as the patella, is in charge of protecting the ligaments in your knee from harm. Patellofemoral syndrome is a condition related to overuse that causes damage to the kneecap. It’s sometimes known as runner’s knee since it is common in athletes who run a lot.
  1. ACL injuries — The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is responsible for keeping your knee stable and from twisting in the wrong direction. An ACL injury occurs when the knee is forced to twist or bend in an unnatural way. This causes the ACL to stretch or tear.
  1. Tendinitis — Your joints can only bend or straighten because of the tendons that connect them to your bones. These tendons can become inflamed and irritated from overuse, which is known as tendinitis. Tendinitis can affect all joints but is more common in the elbow. It’s often called tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow because of its connection with these sports.

How can physical therapists treat sports injuries?

Physical therapy is a top choice for many athletes because it can help reduce pain and restore strength and flexibility more rapidly. A few of the physical therapy methods used in sports injury treatment include:

If your injury is severe enough to require surgery, you should still talk to a physical therapist. Physical therapy can help your body prepare for surgery and recover quicker afterward.

Find expert treatment for a sports injury at Advent Physical Therapy

Our Advent Physical Therapy team is primed to help you find effective sports injury treatment. We can start by performing a free screening for you. This screening is intended to reveal the type of injury you have and any underlying issues that contributed to it. Then, our specialists will build you an individualized physical therapy plan designed to reduce your injury symptoms and speed up your recovery. Even better, we can get you started with therapy even if you don’t have a referral from your doctor. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can help with your athletic injury or to schedule your initial appointment.